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Beth says: "
This is my first true book, which includes beautifully printed full color pages interspersed with easy to read black and white charts.
Included in the book are five small samplers and three little pin cushions, all antique reproductions from my personal collection.
It was a room full of antique samplers that rejuvenated my love of needlework back in the late 1990’s. I had learned to cross stitch as a young girl, but had a hard time connecting with the patterns that were available from local stores, so I had set the craft aside for quite awhile. There I was, surrounded by the needlework of hundreds of little girls from centuries past, and I was mesmerized. Fast forward a few decades to the day that I was financially able to start my own collection. In the beginning, I focused on larger samplers that I thought I could reproduce and sell enough pattern copies to pay for the initial cost. But every so often a diminutive sampler would catch my eye, and resistance was futile. By 2020, I had enough small samplers that I realized I could launch a series, sharing my sweet little samplings with other lovers of the needle arts. "
Stitch counts and materials vary.
DMC conversion included.