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------Avlea Folk Embroidery
------Babies and Children
------Blackbird Designs
------Brenda Gervais and With Thy Needle
------Country Cottage Needlework and LIttle House Needleworks
------Cross Stitch Antiques and Needlework Press
------Erica Michaels
------French and Italian Designs
------Hands Across the Sea
------Hands On Designs and Summer House Stitche Workes
------Heartstrings Samplery
------Heart in Hand
------Houses & Cottages
------Ink Circles
------JBW Designs
------Jeanette Douglas Designs
------Just Nan
------Kathy Barrick and Hello from Liz Mathews
------Lanarte and Vervaco
------Lindy Stitches and Lizzie Kate
------Long Dog Samplers
------Luminous Fiber Arts
------Milady’s Needle
------Mill Hill
------Mirabilia and Nora Corbett
------Plum Street Samplers
------Primrose Cottage Stitches
------Punch Needle
------Rosewood Manor
------Scattered Seed Samplers
------Shakespeare Peddler, The Scarlett House and Queenstown Sampler Designs
------Shepherd’s Bush
------Stacy Nash Primitives
------Stamped Cross Stitch and No Count Cross Stitch
------Stoney Creek
------The Blue Flower
------The Sweetheart Tree and The Bee Cottage
------Tapestry, Needlepoint and Longstitch
------Tiny Modernist
------Trucks Cars Boats & Planes
------Victoria Samplers
------With My Needle (Ellen Chester)
------Words and Sayings
---Embroidery Kits and Charts
------Beginner Embroidery Kits
------Beaded Kits
---------Mill Hill Beaded Kits
------Creative Embroidery
------Kits for Children
------Pulled Thread And Drawn Thread including Hardanger
------Ribbon Embroidery
------Sashiko & Kogan
------Thread Painting
------Traditional Surface Embroidery
------Wool And Felt Embroidery
------Punch Needle
------Traced Linen
------8CT Aida
------11CT Aida
------14CT Aida
------16CT Aida
------18CT Aida
------20CT Aida
------Aida Band
---Counted Fabrics
------18CT Linen
------22CT Linen
------25CT Linen
------26CT Linen
------27CT Linen
------28CT Linen
------30CT Linen
------32CT Linen
------34CT Linen
------36CT Linen
------38CT Linen
------40CT Linen
------46CT Linen and Higher Counts
------Huck, Tulla, Herta and Klostern Fabrics
------Linen Band
---Other Fabrics
------Cotton Fabrics
------Linen Blend Fabrics
------Non Count Linen Fabrics
------Specialty Fabrics
------Stabilisers, Interfacing and Wadding
------Wool and Felt Fabrics
------Sashiko Panel
------Stitchery Panel
---Embroidery Essentials and Accessories
------Craft and Thread Organisers
------Boxes and Wooden Items
------Fabric Markers, Pencils and Erasers
------Felting Products
------Needle Minders, Threaders and Cutters
------Needles and Pins
------Rotary Cutters
---Threads and Wools
------Anchor Threads
------Appleton Wool
------Au Papillon Fil Dor
------Au Ver A Soie Threads
------Bella Lusso Wool
------Brown Paper Packages
------Caron Collection Threads
------Cascade House Threads
------Chameleon Threads
------Classic Colorworks Threads (Previously Crescent Colours)
------Colour Streams Threads
------Cosmo Season Variegated Stranded Cotton
------Cottage Garden Threads
------Danish Flower Threads
------Dinky Dyes Stranded Silk
------DMC Threads
---------Coton A Broder
--------- DMC Etoile
---------DMC Metallic threads
---------DMC Perle 3
---------DMC Perle 5
---------Dmc Perle 5 Colour Variations
---------DMC Perle 8
---------DMC Perle 8 Coloris
---------DMC Perle 12
---------Satin (Rayon)
---------Soft Cotton
---------Special Dentelle
---------DMC Stranded Cotton
---------DMC Coloris
---------DMC Colour Variations
---------Tapestry Wool
---------DMC Eco Vita Wool
------Edmar Threads
------Gentle Arts Stranded Cotton
------Gloriana Threads
------Goldwork Threads
------Gumnut Yarns
------House Of Embroidery Threads
------Kacoonda Threads
------Kreinik Threads
------Madeira Threads
------Mogear Mohair
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---------Mountmellick Threads
---------Rayon Threads
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------Presencia Threads
------Rainbow Gallery Threads
------Rajmahal Threads
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---------Valdani Perle 8
---------Valdani perle 12
---------Valdani Stranded Cotton
------Weeks Dye Works
------Sashiko Threads
---Books, Magazines and DVD’s
------A-Z Publications
------Bead Embroidery
------Blackwork Books
------Brazilian Embroidery
------Candlewicking Books
------Counted Thread Techniques
------Crazy Patch
------Creative Embroidery Books
------Crewel Embroidery
------Cross Stitch
------Drawn Thread Embroidery
------Elizabethan Embroidery & Needlelace
------Goldwork Books
------Lace Techniques
------Miscellaneous Books
------Patchwork and Quilting
------Ribbon Embroidery Books
------Schwalm Embroidery
------Smocking Books
------Stitch Dictionary
------Stumpwork Books
------Thread Painting Books
------Traditional Surface Embroidery Books
------Wool Embroidery and Blankets
---Pre Printed and Pre Assembled
------Hot Iron Transfers
------Cascade House Ribbon
------Colour Streams Ribbon
------Kacoonda Silk Ribbon
------YLI Ribbon
------Trims and Lace
------Au ver a soie Silk Ribbon
---Buttons, Charms, Beads and Embellishments
------Mill Hill Treasures
---Hoops and Frames
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Our Online Store
---New Products
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------Shepherds Bush Christmas Stockings
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------Christmas Stitcheries
------Christmas Books and Magazines
---Needlework Expos and Markets
---Cross Stitch Kits and Charts
------Beginner Cross Stitch
------Kits for Children
------Animals, Fish and Birds
------Around the World
------Avlea Folk Embroidery
------Babies and Children
------Blackbird Designs
------Brenda Gervais and With Thy Needle
------Country Cottage Needlework and LIttle House Needleworks
------Cross Stitch Antiques and Needlework Press
------Erica Michaels
------French and Italian Designs
------Hands Across the Sea
------Hands On Designs and Summer House Stitche Workes
------Heartstrings Samplery
------Heart in Hand
------Houses & Cottages
------Ink Circles
------JBW Designs
------Jeanette Douglas Designs
------Just Nan
------Kathy Barrick and Hello from Liz Mathews
------Lanarte and Vervaco
------Lindy Stitches and Lizzie Kate
------Long Dog Samplers
------Luminous Fiber Arts
------Milady’s Needle
------Mill Hill
------Mirabilia and Nora Corbett
------Plum Street Samplers
------Primrose Cottage Stitches
------Punch Needle
------Rosewood Manor
------Scattered Seed Samplers
------Shakespeare Peddler, The Scarlett House and Queenstown Sampler Designs
------Shepherd’s Bush
------Stacy Nash Primitives
------Stamped Cross Stitch and No Count Cross Stitch
------Stoney Creek
------The Blue Flower
------The Sweetheart Tree and The Bee Cottage
------Tapestry, Needlepoint and Longstitch
------Tiny Modernist
------Trucks Cars Boats & Planes
------Victoria Samplers
------With My Needle (Ellen Chester)
------Words and Sayings
---Embroidery Kits and Charts
------Beginner Embroidery Kits
------Beaded Kits
---------Mill Hill Beaded Kits
------Creative Embroidery
------Kits for Children
------Pulled Thread And Drawn Thread including Hardanger
------Ribbon Embroidery
------Sashiko & Kogan
------Thread Painting
------Traditional Surface Embroidery
------Wool And Felt Embroidery
------Punch Needle
------Traced Linen
------8CT Aida
------11CT Aida
------14CT Aida
------16CT Aida
------18CT Aida
------20CT Aida
------Aida Band
---Counted Fabrics
------18CT Linen
------22CT Linen
------25CT Linen
------26CT Linen
------27CT Linen
------28CT Linen
------30CT Linen
------32CT Linen
------34CT Linen
------36CT Linen
------38CT Linen
------40CT Linen
------46CT Linen and Higher Counts
------Huck, Tulla, Herta and Klostern Fabrics
------Linen Band
---Other Fabrics
------Cotton Fabrics
------Linen Blend Fabrics
------Non Count Linen Fabrics
------Specialty Fabrics
------Stabilisers, Interfacing and Wadding
------Wool and Felt Fabrics
------Sashiko Panel
------Stitchery Panel
---Embroidery Essentials and Accessories
------Craft and Thread Organisers
------Boxes and Wooden Items
------Fabric Markers, Pencils and Erasers
------Felting Products
------Needle Minders, Threaders and Cutters
------Needles and Pins
------Rotary Cutters
---Threads and Wools
------Anchor Threads
------Appleton Wool
------Au Papillon Fil Dor
------Au Ver A Soie Threads
------Bella Lusso Wool
------Brown Paper Packages
------Caron Collection Threads
------Cascade House Threads
------Chameleon Threads
------Classic Colorworks Threads (Previously Crescent Colours)
------Colour Streams Threads
------Cosmo Season Variegated Stranded Cotton
------Cottage Garden Threads
------Danish Flower Threads
------Dinky Dyes Stranded Silk
------DMC Threads
---------Coton A Broder
--------- DMC Etoile
---------DMC Metallic threads
---------DMC Perle 3
---------DMC Perle 5
---------Dmc Perle 5 Colour Variations
---------DMC Perle 8
---------DMC Perle 8 Coloris
---------DMC Perle 12
---------Satin (Rayon)
---------Soft Cotton
---------Special Dentelle
---------DMC Stranded Cotton
---------DMC Coloris
---------DMC Colour Variations
---------Tapestry Wool
---------DMC Eco Vita Wool
------Edmar Threads
------Gentle Arts Stranded Cotton
------Gloriana Threads
------Goldwork Threads
------Gumnut Yarns
------House Of Embroidery Threads
------Kacoonda Threads
------Kreinik Threads
------Madeira Threads
------Mogear Mohair
------Other Threads
---------Candlewicking Cotton
---------Creative Threads
---------Crochet Cotton
---------Linen Threads
---------Metallic Threads
---------Mountmellick Threads
---------Rayon Threads
---------Sewing Machine Reels
---------Silk Threads
------Painters Threads
------Presencia Threads
------Rainbow Gallery Threads
------Rajmahal Threads
------Thread Gatherer Threads
------Valdani Threads
---------Valdani Perle 8
---------Valdani perle 12
---------Valdani Stranded Cotton
------Weeks Dye Works
------Sashiko Threads
---Books, Magazines and DVD’s
------A-Z Publications
------Bead Embroidery
------Blackwork Books
------Brazilian Embroidery
------Candlewicking Books
------Counted Thread Techniques
------Crazy Patch
------Creative Embroidery Books
------Crewel Embroidery
------Cross Stitch
------Drawn Thread Embroidery
------Elizabethan Embroidery & Needlelace
------Goldwork Books
------Lace Techniques
------Miscellaneous Books
------Patchwork and Quilting
------Ribbon Embroidery Books
------Schwalm Embroidery
------Smocking Books
------Stitch Dictionary
------Stumpwork Books
------Thread Painting Books
------Traditional Surface Embroidery Books
------Wool Embroidery and Blankets
---Pre Printed and Pre Assembled
------Hot Iron Transfers
------Cascade House Ribbon
------Colour Streams Ribbon
------Kacoonda Silk Ribbon
------YLI Ribbon
------Trims and Lace
------Au ver a soie Silk Ribbon
---Buttons, Charms, Beads and Embellishments
------Mill Hill Treasures
---Hoops and Frames
---Lights and Magnifiers
---Gift Card
---Clearance Items
Sub Categories
11CT Aida
14CT Aida
16CT Aida
18CT Aida
18CT Linen
20CT Aida
20CT Linen
22CT Linen
25CT Linen
26CT Linen
27CT Linen
28CT Linen
30CT Linen
32CT Linen
34CT Linen
36CT Evenweave
36CT Linen
38CT Linen
40CT Linen
46CT and Higher count
8CT Aida
A-Z Publications
Accessories & Buttons
Aida Band
Anchor Threads
Animals, Fish, Birds and Bees (and other insects)
Appleton Wool
Around the World
Au Papillon Fil Dor
Au ver a Soie Ribbon
Au Ver a Soie Threads
Avlea Folk Embroidery
Babies and Children
Bead Embroidery
Beaded Kits
Beginner Cross Stitch
Beginner Embroidery
Bella Lusso Wool
Birth Samplers
Blackbird Designs
Blackwork Books
Blanket Binding
Books, Magazines and DVD’s
Boxes and Wooden Items
Braids and Trims
Brazilian Embroidery
Brenda Gervais
Brown Paper Packages
Buttons, Charms, Beads and Embellishments
Candlewicking Books
Candlewicking Cotton
Caron Collection Threads
Cascade House Ribbon
Cascade House Threads
Chameleon Threads
Chatelaine - Designs by Martina Rosenberg
Christmas Books and Magazines
Christmas Cross Stitch
Christmas Embroidery
Christmas Shop
Christmas Stitcheries
Classic Colorworks Threads (Previously Crescent Colours)
Clearance Items
Colour Streams Ribbon
Colour Streams Threads
Cosmo Threads
Coton A Broder
Cottage Garden Threads
Cotton Fabrics
Counted Fabrics
Counted Thread
Counted Thread Techniques
Country Cottage Needlework and Little House Needleworks
Craft and Thread Organisers
Creative Embroidery
Creative Embroidery Books
Creative Threads
Crewel Embroidery Books
Crewel Embroidery Kits
Crochet Cotton
Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch and Needlepoint Kits for Children
Cross Stitch Antiques and Needlework Press
Cross Stitch Kits and Charts
Danish Flower Threads
Danish Handcraft Guild
Dinky Dyes Stranded Silk
DMC Coloris
DMC Colour Variations
DMC Eco Vita Wool
DMC Etoile
DMC Metallic Threads
DMC Perle 12
DMC Perle 3
DMC Perle 5
DMC Perle 5 Colour Variations
DMC Perle 8
DMC Perle 8 Coloris
DMC Stranded Cotton
DMC Threads
Drawn Thread Embroidery
Edmar Threads
Eleganza Perle 8 Variegated
Elizabethan Embroidery and Needlelace
Embroidery Essentials and Accessories
Embroidery Kits and Charts
Embroidery Kits for Children
Erica Michaels
Fabric Markers, Pencils and Erasers
Felting Products
French and Italian Designs
Gentle Arts Stranded Cotton
Gift Card
Gloriana Threads
Goldwork Books
Goldwork Threads
Gumnut Yarns
Hands Across the Sea
Hands On Designs and Summer House Stitche Workes
Hannah Burbury Designs
Hannah Silk Ribbon
Heart in Hand
Heartstrings Samplery
Hoops and Frames
Hot Iron Transfers
House of Embroidery Threads
Houses & Cottages
Huck, Tulla, Herta, Klostern and Monk's Cloth
Ink Circles
JBW Designs
Jeanette Douglas Designs
Just Nan
Just Nan
Kacoonda Silk Ribbon
Kacoonda Threads
Kathy Barrick and Hello from Liz Mathews
Kits and Charts
Kreinik Threads
Lace Techniques
Lanarte and Vervaco
Les Designs
Lights and Magnifiers
Lindy Stitches and Lizzie Kate
Linen Band
Linen Blend Fabrics
Linen Threads
Long Dog Samplers
Luminous Fiber Arts
Madeira Threads
Metallic Threads
Mill Hill
Mill Hill Beaded Kits
Mill Hill Treasures
Mirabilia and Nora Corbett
Miscellaneous Books
Mogear Mohair
Mountmellick Threads
Needle Minders, Threaders and Cutters
Needlepoint Books
Needlepoint, Tapestry and Longstitch
Needles and Pins
Needlework Expos and Markets
New Books
New Products
Non Count Linen Fabrics
Other Fabrics
Other Ribbon
Other Ribbon and Trims
Other Threads
Painters Threads
Patchwork, Quilting, and Crazy Patch
Plum Street Samplers
Pre Printed and Pre Assembled
Presencia Threads
Primrose Cottage Stitches
Pulled Thread and Drawn Thread including Hardanger
Punch Needle
Rainbow Gallery Threads
Rajmahal Threads
Rayon Threads
Regular Classes
Ribbon Embroidery
Ribbon Embroidery Books
Rosewood Manor
Rotary Cutters
Sashiko & Kogan
Sashiko Panels
Sashiko Threads
Sashiko, Kogin, Boro and Slow Stitching
Satin (Rayon)
Satin Ribbon
Scattered Seed Samplers
Schwalm Embroidery
Sewing Machine Reels
Shakespeare's Peddler, The Scarlett House and Queenstown Sampler Designs
Shepherds Bush Christmas Stockings
Shepherd’s Bush
Silk Threads
Smocking Books
Soft Cotton
Special Dentelle
Specialty Fabrics
Specialty Needles
Stabilisers, Interfacing and Wadding
Stacy Nash Primitives
Stamped Cross Stitch and No Count Cross Stitch
Stitch Dictionaries
Stitchery Panels
Stoney Creek
Stumpwork Books
Tapestry Wool
The Blue Flower
The Sweetheart Tree and The Bee Cottage
Thread Gatherer Threads
Thread Painting
Thread Painting Books
Threads and Wools
Tiny Modernist
Traced Linen
Traditional Surface Embroidery
Traditional Surface Embroidery Books
Trims and Lace
Trucks, Cars, Boats & Planes
Valdani Perle 12
Valdani Perle 8
Valdani Stranded Cotton
Valdani Threads
Valentine's Day
Victoria Samplers
Weeks Dye Works
With My Needle (Ellen Chester)
Wool And Felt Embroidery Kits
Wool and Felt Fabrics
Wool Embroidery, Blanket Books and Felt Books
Words and Sayings
YLI Ribbon
Contact Us
122 McIlwraith Avenue, Norman Park
QLD 4170, Australia
(07) 3398 5540
Invisible Thread by Hemline 200m
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Invisible Thread by Hemline 200m
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